This website is currently dormant!

Migrating To Version 2.0 Of API Evangelist Portal

It's been a couple years since I started providing public access to my APIs. Historically I haven't really been in the business of generating revenue from my APIs, it is more of a show than anything, but this is something I'm looking to change. This means I need to get my act together when it comes to API design, deployment, management, and monitoring, and practice what I preach.

This is the first step in that direction. I'm launching a new portal to support the handful of APIs I want to make available as part of API Evangelist. This is just a subset of the larger stack of APIs I am working on, but access to my APIs are universal, and one API key will get you access to almost all the APIs across my network. 

I would consider everything you find here BETA, unless stated otherwise. I'm working on way to certify my APIs as ready for production, differentiating the "in development", from the hardened APIs I"m not making changes to. If you have any questions, feel free to submit an issue via this portals Github repository, and I'll do my best to tackle. I'm rapidly evolving these APIs, and others, now that my platform is a little more stable, so come back often.